Why Real Estate Buyers Prioritize Green Homes

The residential real estate domain is dynamic, and a lot has changed in the landscape in recent years. From building materials to designs, construction techniques, and methodologies, every aspect has evolved with time. The pandemic was a catalyst in this context as it altered the way people think about buying decisions, promoting green homes and living. Unsurprisingly, real estate buyers have a fresh perspective on purchasing living spaces in the new normal.

In fact, they have new criteria to gauge residential properties before sealing the deal. As a home buyer, you need to think beyond the location, design, and space utilization of a property. With sustainability becoming the norm, green homes are on the top of the wishlist of real estate buyers. Moreover, it is not just a passing phase but a transformation in the way building and buying homes is thought about. Let us explain why real estate buyers are keen to go green.

wood board in home design

A shift in attitude

The primary reason behind green home buying is a shift in attitude. Sustainability is a global trend today, and everyone wishes to embrace it as a way of life. The vision starts from one's living space. Buying a home built with sustainable materials and design ensures a lower carbon footprint for a lifetime, using renewable sources of energy rather than non-renewable ones. The use of natural materials like wood and non-VOC paints also paves the way for the good health of your loved ones because the indoor air is clean and toxin-free. Moreover, consider it a way to do your bit for the community and the environment. A green home aligns with a new vision that aims to make the world a better place.

Built to last

Going green is a no-brainer for the forward-thinking homeowner because these properties are inherently durable. Sustainable materials such as recycled decking and roofing have been proven to last longer than conventional ones, requiring much less maintenance despite exposure to elements. The best thing about these materials is that they do not need harmful chemical treatments for long-term maintenance. So buyers actually have no qualms about paying more for green homes because these buildings last long and look good over the years. You can trust sustainable materials to pass the tests of time.

Attractive features

When you buy a home, aesthetics are often on top of your mind. At the same time, you want the place to be functionally sound. Green homes cover both fronts with their exceptional features. Sustainable materials add a rustic appeal to the house because they come from natural sources. The design element takes aesthetics to the next level as these houses get plenty of natural light and fresh air that lend a positive vibe to the living space. Other features that make the property worthwhile are energy efficiency, home insulation, water preservation, and efficient waste management. Buying a green home is a wise investment for a homeowner.

There are many tools out there to help make the process of searching for a green home easier. The websites of large realty companies or often provide the helpful information. Some of the best search tools for houses for sale in Honolulu, HI, for example, allow you to filter out properties that are Eco friendly and LEED certified (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Long-term savings

A green home may sound like a hefty investment on the surface because land developers expect higher returns from such projects. After all, they go the extra mile with the choice of materials, sustainable designs, compliance with Environmental Regulations by State, and best building practices. As a buyer, you may have second thoughts about spending more on these properties. But the growing awareness makes it easy to overcome the money mindset. You can actually cover the extra costs with long-term savings. Green homes are energy-efficient, so you can expect to save a fortune on your energy bills over the years. Such properties pay for themselves in a short amount of time, making them a better choice for homeowners.

Government incentives for green homes

The financial benefits of owning a green home extend beyond the savings you can make on energy and water bills. You can also avail of government incentives and tax breaks for doing your bit for the environment. Most governments and local authorities provide such incentives to homeowners to encourage sustainability for the community. For example, rooftop solar installation and water-saving systems entitle you to tax breaks. You can make additional annual savings with these schemes, which are likely to be bigger and better in the coming years.

Some local governments have embarked upon plans to build ‘healthy homes,’ such as the Warwick District Council in the UK, whose plans to deliver 620 eco-friendly homes in Kenilworth, were announced in the fall of 2021.

house with solar panels

Enhanced value

Another reason contributing to the growing popularity of green homes is value enhancement. Features such as solar panels, water-conserving fixtures, LED lighting, and sustainable materials increase the overall value of your home. The design element is even more crucial because people prefer dwellings that allow natural lighting, fresh air, and temperature control. A higher value is a boon if you wish to sell the property down the line. Your place will sell quickly and fetch a good price because the demand for sustainable properties is here to stay. It is a worthy investment for a homeowner as they can avail the best advantages today and resell the property at a premium in the future.

A legacy for your loved ones

A green home is the best legacy you can pass on to your loved ones. The trend is here to stay, and your children will love to inherit a property made with sustainability in mind. The place looks good, features durability, and saves money in the long run. Even if your children want to sell it, they can get a hefty price for the place. Green homes will always be in demand, so they can sell it off without hassles. Conversely, they can live in the family home and enjoy a low -carbon-footprint lifestyle.

Nothing gets better than living in a green home because it is good for your health, wallet, and the environment. So you must ensure a property’s sustainability before going ahead with a home buying deal. Check the necessary features and design elements of the place, to begin with. Buying from a real estate provider with a green reputation is an even better idea as it lets you be more sure about the purchase even if you know nothing about sustainable materials and design. A little research can help you own the green home of your dreams, so you must definitely invest the effort.

For more information about green homes, see the infographic below:


About the Author:

Imala Green has been working as a professional content writer at Outreach Monks for two years. She aims to educate her readers about real estate business and the latest environmental trends through her excellent research skills and web writing experience. Green actively seeks to learn new market trends to update her writings.


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