CBD and Diabetes Infographic Intro

Guest post by Zach Pearson

It is impossible to ignore the potential that CBD has to help those suffering from diabetes. More research is still needed, but with promising animal test results and anecdotal human experiences mounting, CBD as a treatment for diabetes has become a hot topic.

One symptom that CBD is well known to help with is inflammation. This has a huge benefit for diabetics who struggle to manage inflammation and are looking for a plant-based alternative to your typical pharmaceuticals. CBD is all-natural and comes in many forms from oils to gummies to isolate powder, making it a convenient and accessible choice for diabetics.

CBD can improve many areas of one’s life. Even if the effect does not directly address diabetes, it can make managing the condition easier. By relieving pain, lowering anxiety, and improving sleep, CBD allows diabetics to have more energy and better self-care. This indirect benefit can have a huge impact on the ability to manage diabetes.

CBD can help diabetics manage the disease, but can it also help prevent it? Early testing on mice has yielded promising results, reducing the rate of diabetes by as much as 56%! As encouraging as this data is, more human testing is needed before we can make definitive statements about CBD in the prevention of diabetes.

This is the challenge with CBD and diabetes. There is an unfortunate lack of research and testing. It is difficult to get this research funded as CBD comes from a cannabis related plant and therefore gets a bad reputation. This has slowly changed since its legalization and exploding popularity over the last couple years. As more and more diabetics learn about CBD, the hope is that more research will be done on its potential.

CBD is known for its many benefits; to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, lower anxiety, and improve sleep. Could it help prevent and manage diabetes as well? The infographic below explores this question:

Zach Pearson_CBD and Diabetes infographic.png

Zach Pearson is a photographer, writer, and CBD advocate, but above all else, he is a lifelong learner who is always looking for new ways to challenge himself. Zach works as a writer and photographer for Eden’s Herbals, educating consumers on CBD related products and healthy lifestyle tips. Throughout his life, he has always loved to share his passions and help other people find their own.