Water Conservation 101: A Guide for Consumers (infographic)

Water Conservation 101: A Guide for Consumers (infographic)

Want to help protect the Earth and its dwindling finite resources? There are lots of ways to get started! From following strict recycling practices to avoiding single-use plastics, people everywhere can take small steps that have the potential to add up to a big difference. One area in particular that’s easy to make a change and live green is in water conservation.

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How to Make Your Home Plumbing More Efficient and User Friendly

How to Make Your Home Plumbing More Efficient and User Friendly

Are you looking for ways to shave a few dollars off your monthly expenses? The answer might be in your pipes. While an extra gallon of water usage here or there may seem like nothing, all that wasted water adds up on your bill quickly. However, many people worry that saving water means inconvenience. If you want to cut your water bill without compromise, consider these four efficient and user-friendly solutions.

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20 Easy Ways to Save Water Around the House While Staying Home

20 Easy Ways to Save Water Around the House While Staying Home

Most of us are so used to having constant access to fresh and clean water that we take it for granted. While we need water to survive, we also waste a huge amount of it on things we don’t need. It’s estimated that the average American uses about 152 gallons (575 litres) of water a day, while the average European uses around 66 gallons (250 litres) of water. In comparison, people in developing countries have about 5 gallons (19 litres) to use every day – assuming they have any at all.

Many people don’t realize that water is a finite resource, and our supply is running out as the population is increasing. The United Nations has already warned us that five billion people could be affected by water shortages by 2050, so it’s crucial that we change the way we use water and find ways of cutting down our consumption.

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A Homeowner’s Guide to Environmentally Conscious Water Use

A Homeowner’s Guide to Environmentally Conscious Water Use

Guest post by Jason Baldauf

It’s almost impossible to imagine modern living without the convenience of running water. We take it for granted that we can cook, clean, wash and bathe with it. As such, we may not think about how imperative it is to conserve and protect it. Despite being readily available with a turn of the spigot, it is not an unlimited resource.

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