Why You Should Try Cannabis as a Sleep Aid This Fall

Why You Should Try Cannabis as a Sleep Aid This Fall

Fall is perhaps the most unpredictable season, as you are between a lazy summer and a hectic winter. You feel like sticking to the relaxed vibes of the warmer days, but the festive rush arrives sooner than you imagine. Endless task lists keep you on your toes as you expect to close them before the winter arrives. You may feel stressed and tired as you rush to complete tasks at home and work.

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5 Foods to Avoid Before Bedtime

5 Foods to Avoid Before Bedtime

Guest Post by Sarah Cummings

Is your sensitive stomach causing you sleep deprivation problems? Inflammation of the stomach lining can put your body in a state of shock, where lack of sleep will be the least of your worries. Over time it affects the function of other internal organs as well. Furthermore, this process can cause miscommunication issues in the endocrine system, eventually leading to many psychological complications.

To avoid all of these self-induced problems, all you need to do is pay attention to your diet so that every other piece of the puzzle falls into place and creates a healthy YOU. 

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