What you should know about healthy food labels

What you should know about healthy food labels

Healthy eating is something we all strive to achieve, and a healthy diet can not only improve your quality of life, it can prevent you from developing serious illnesses in middle age and later. We eat well when we choose foods that are nutritious and low in calories. When it comes to choosing food products, however, it’s difficult to tell which ones contain healthier ingredients.

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5 Ways That Companies Greenwash

5 Ways That Companies Greenwash

As consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, companies have begun to cater to the growing expectation that the production process and the materials used are clean and leave a low carbon footprint. However, implementing these changes is costly, and many companies have begun greenwashing by claiming their products are environmentally friendly without actually making the changes necessary to ensure that their products are truly green.

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Eco-friendly cleaning? How to do it without the “greenwashing”

Eco-friendly cleaning? How to do it without the “greenwashing”

This is the second post in a 3-part series on green cleaning

A quick survey of store shelves these days will tell you that there are more options for purchasing “green” cleaning products than ever before. In North America, Europe, and Australia, the options for buying eco-friendly products reflect regional and class disparities: the coastal areas of the US tend to reflect current trends in eco-conscious lifestyles with greater ubiquity than the southeastern belt and Midwestern heartland, while generally, wealthier neighborhood stores offer more options for “eco-conscious” shopping than stores in poorer neighborhoods. With few exceptions, the cheaper the product, the more likely it is that the company that manufactured it will have engaged in “greenwashing.”

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