What to Plant Now for a Lush Fall Garden

What to Plant Now for a Lush Fall Garden

Most people who grow vegetables and fruits begin to wind down their gardening activities around this time of year. However, it's possible keep your garden growing well into the fall months and even into the winter, depending on the climate in your area. A few places (USDA zones 0-2) have extremely short growing seasons that make it very difficult to grow vegetables outdoors without using specialized techniques and growing plants that are uniquely adapted to that climate.

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What should I add to my garden soil this fall?

What should I add to my garden soil this fall?

Fall can be a busy season for gardeners, even if you’ve stopped growing crops. Soil is the basic foundation for any successful garden, as healthy soil is needed to grow healthy plants. One important task is amending the soil to improve its structure, address any problems from last growing season and prepare it for the next. season. Amending the soil for new batches of plants is an important part of the gardening process. If a gardener does not do this, their garden will suffer and their plants may not thrive as well as they should. However, this task can be time-consuming with many different tools and steps involved in its execution.

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25 Vegetables and Herbs You Can Plant Now for a Fall Harvest

25 Vegetables and Herbs You Can Plant Now for a Fall Harvest

Fall is the perfect time to start planning for next year’s food garden. This is a great time of year to get started on planning and planting, as you can still enjoy the weather without having to worry about frost or snow. It also gives you plenty of time to think through what you want to grow in your garden before it gets too cold.

But did you know that fall is also a great time to plant vegetables and herbs that you can harvest this season, too?

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5 steps to a productive food garden this fall

5 steps to a productive food garden this fall

While many people only grow food gardens during the spring and summer months, there’s no reason that your gardening season has to end now, unless you are in a part of the world where the weather turns bitterly cold in the fall, and you have no season extending tools (or options for indoor growing). As the hot summer months give way to cooler temperatures, you can begin planting new varieties of food crops, or continue successive planting of summer-to-fall vegetables and herbs.

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10 Reasons to Plant a Garden This Fall (it’s not too late!)

10 Reasons to Plant a Garden This Fall (it’s not too late!)

Fall is here and soon after, winter, and while many of us have put away the gardening tools and supplies, picked our last harvests, and composted the leftover stalks and roots, there’s no need to wait until the spring to begin again. Growing your own food is something you can do year-round if you begin this fall. If you’ve been considering fall (and winter) gardening but haven’t done anything about it, here are ten reasons to consider it a little more seriously…

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