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20 Easy Ways to Save Water Around the House While Staying Home

Most of us are so used to having constant access to fresh and clean water that we take it for granted. While we need water to survive, we also waste a huge amount of it on things we don’t need. It’s estimated that the average American uses about 152 gallons (575 litres) of water a day, while the average European uses around 66 gallons (250 litres) of water. In comparison, people in developing countries have about 5 gallons (19 litres) to use every day – assuming they have any at all.

Many people don’t realize that water is a finite resource, and our supply is running out as the population is increasing. The United Nations has already warned us that five billion people could be affected by water shortages by 2050, so it’s crucial that we change the way we use water and find ways of cutting down our consumption.

Since many of us are spending more time in our homes during the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s a great time to think about ways we can start saving more water around the house to help reduce water scarcity. With our domestic water consumption already very high, it’s important that lockdown doesn’t cause our water consumption to increase even higher. And not only does saving water help the planet, but it also cuts down your energy bills, saving you money!

The team at Pure Salt has brought you 20 easy ways that you can save water around the house, even while spending more time at home than usual.

Easy Ways to Save Water in the Kitchen:

1. Wash clothes on a short cycle

Among all your household appliances, washing machines use some of the most water. On average, a washing machine uses 55 litres per cycle. Try and limit the number of washes you do to one or two cycles per week.

2. Reuse cooking water

When draining water from cooking pasta, potatoes or rice, don’t throw it down the sink. Instead, put it to one side, as this water can be reused in the garden or to water your houseplants.

3. Only use the dishwasher for full loads

Make the most of the energy and water your dishwasher uses by only using it for full loads of dirty dishes. If you find you struggle to fill up your dishwasher, maybe consider downsizing your machine, as this might be a better fit for your household. A smaller machine will also use less water.

4. Use the right size pans

To make sure you’re using no more water than you need while cooking, ensure that you’re using the right size pans. A large pan will need a lot more water and energy to cook food than a smaller pan, so choose your pans carefully.

5. Don’t use water to defrost food

Using water to defrost food is an unnecessary use of water. Instead, choose food from the freezer the day before eating and let defrost in the fridge overnight or use the microwave to defrost your food before eating.

Easy Ways to Save Water in the Bathroom:

6. Have showers, not baths

Having a bath uses over double the amount of water than running a shower. Try to only have baths as an occasional treat and use your shower to stay clean on a regular basis instead. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways of saving water!

7. Time your showers

If you’re someone who already showers instead of using the bath, then you can save more water by timing your showers. While it can be tempting to stand underneath the water for ages, this can quickly become wasteful. The average person spends around 7-8 minutes in the shower, but for maximum conservation, it’s recommended that you spend 5 minutes on average in the shower.

8. Water-saving shower head

A standard shower head will use around 3-6 gallons (12-22 litres) of water per minute while running, but a water-saving shower head can save more than 7 gallons (26 litres) of water for an average 7 minute shower by running at a lower flow. You can get water-saving shower heads for a range of prices to suit your budget.

9. Switch off the tap when you don’t need it

It can be easy to forget, but leaving the tap running whilst brushing your teeth or shaving can quickly waste a lot of water, so make sure to switch it off when you aren’t actively using it.

10. Don’t throw tissues into the toilet

After using a tissue, throw it into the bin instead of the toilet. On average, the toilet uses 10 litres of water per flush, which can quickly add up if you’re throwing waste in there.

Easy Ways to Save Water in the Garden:

11. Collect and repurpose rainwater

Keep a large water barrel outside to collect rainwater. This is free water that you can use for gardening, watering plants and cleaning your car!

12. Water your garden by hand

Using a sprinkler from a standard garden hose for one hour uses about 1,020 gallons of water on average. Instead, hand water your plants and lawn. This will massively cut down the amount of water you’re using in the garden.

13. Look after the soil

Looking after the soil in your garden by adding organic matter will help it to retain moisture and reduce the amount of times you need to water your plants and flowers.

14. Garden in the Evenings

Gardening during the day when the sun is blazing can cause water to evaporate quicker. Instead, try and do your gardening during the evenings, especially in the summertime, to ensure the water you’re using goes further.

15. Use the right amount of water

The majority of people over water their plants and flowers in an attempt to help them grow. Make sure you know the amount of water your garden actually needs and don’t go above this amount when gardening.

Other Easy Ways to Save Water Around the House:

16. Regularly check your water meter

It is easy to overuse water around the house without realising. Checking your water meter regularly is the best way to stay on top of your water consumption and ensure you’re only using what you need.

17. Fix leaks around the house

The average household’s leaks can account for nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year! Make sure to regularly check around your home for leaks and promptly fix any leaks that you do find.

18. Drain the water from your roof

The average house roof collects enough rainwater in a year to fill around 450 water butts, which is water that can be used for cleaning your car or watering your plants. Drain the water from your roof to repurpose around the house.

19. Use the same glass or bottle for drinking water

When drinking water during the day, try and reuse the same glass to avoid washing up unnecessarily. Changing glasses throughout the day also makes it easier for you to leave drinks unfinished before making a new one. Drinking from a water bottle instead helps to reduce the number of wasted drinks you don’t finish.

20. Water Saving Taps

If you can, consider investing in water saving taps for use around the house. Water saving taps run water on a slightly lower flow than a regular tap to easily save water without you even noticing.

Katie Myers is a content writer for Pure Salt. She produces a range of visual and written content on a variety of topics. Some of her favourite things to write about include the environment, gardening and mental health.

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