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4 Ways to Reduce Water Waste This Winter

Guest post by Brooke Chaplan

Water is often taken for granted, especially when you can just turn the tap and access it easily throughout the month. The ease with which we use water and the lack of any indicators of waste (beside the monthly water bill) makes it hard to conserve water. However, water truly is a limited resource, one which almost a billion people worldwide have limited access to.

As the winter comes, it’s important to consider proper water conservation. In the colder months, it’s especially important to limit your water waste. Even though it may be wetter during the winter, this doesn’t mean homeowners should take a break from their water-saving routines. Read on for the best water conservation tips for the winter months.

Save Water in Your Bathroom

The first way to save water is to focus on the major water wasters in your home. Your bathtub and shower are the two appliances most likely to use up water. Several gallons of water are wasted with a traditional shower head, and when multiple people take baths, the water usage increases. Installing a low-flow shower head is an effective way to cut down on your water waste. Likewise, upgrading to a high-efficiency toilet can also save you several gallons of water per flush.

Upgrade Your Laundry Room

Your laundry room is another area in the house where you should consider cutting your water waste. With high-efficiency washers, you’ll be able to eliminate the excess amount of water that other washing machines use. In addition to an upgraded washing machine, be sure to only use your washer with a full load and limit washing your clothes multiple times by soaking them in your sink before washing.

Limit the amount of laundry you need to do by hand-washing smaller loads. This way, you’ll only use the washing machine when you have a full load and cut down on wasted water.

Update Your Plumbing

Checking your plumbing and making upgrades will help you reduce excess water wastage. Improper plumbing can lead to leaks and burst pipes, especially in the winter. Work with local plumbing services to make sure the water in your home isn’t being wasted. As you winterize your pipes, a plumber can check for leaks and upgrade any older pipes that need to be replaced.

In an effort to update your plumbing, you can also winterize your pipes on your own. Opening the drain valve in the hot water tank to empty it will help prevent your pipes from freezing over and exploding.

Cover up Your Pool

Pool winter covers are another addition that can help you save more water if you have a pool. By covering your pool, you’ll be able to keep the temperature warmer and prevent the water from evaporating. This limits the amount of water you will need to refill the pool. With an in-ground pool, be sure to leave room for your water to contract and expand throughout the winter.

Save water this winter by reducing your water waste. Use this as a guide as you look for other ways to reduce more water usage this season.

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at or Twitter @BrookeChaplan