Soil Amendments for Organic Gardening

Guest post by Anna Wrench

The right type of soil is important for plant growth, especially in organic gardening. The gardener or specialist in soil knows exactly how the soil has to be treated in order to make it more fertile. If you are cultivating crops, then it requires that the soil be enriched with apposite nutrients to help in the proper growth of crops.

The modern trend is inclining towards environmentally-friendly and healthy organic gardening. Organic gardening seeks to maintain balance and harmony with nature. In this context, soil supplies help with the decomposition of toxins, play an essential role in root growth, maintain the health of the root, and lessen the gardener’s dependency on fertilizer. It is indeed essential for growing productive and healthy crops that are healthier not just for the consumer but also for the environment.

Why Good Soil Is Important

soil amendments for organic gardening

The soil that is used for crop cultivation in gardens or fields is often mixed with dirt or weeds. This is not productive when it comes to crop growth. The expert gardener or farmer knows that it’s important to leave soil fallow for a period of time to ensure ideal conditions for crop growth and cultivation. Amending the soil with moisture, air, minerals, and nutrients enables the soil to become productive so that crops can thrive.

Reasons for Soil Changes

Soil can change because of a number of reasons, and one important reason is continuously changing climatic conditions. Soil can also change because of human interference. Irrespective of the reasons for changes in soil, the crop cultivator or gardener needs to continuously monitor the soil, amending it by using appropriate fertilizers in order to keep it healthy. If the soil is maintained well then it helps the plants to thrive. Whenever it comes to soil structure, its innate biology, combined with nutrient-rich amendments can keep the soil in perfect balance over time.


Soil Food

If you are contemplating maintaining an organic garden, then you need to invest significantly in soil food. Soil food is comprised of a diverse community of organisms. These organisms vary in sizes. They may be single-celled algae, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, or arthropods. They can be insects, earthworms, some type of plants or even vertebrates.

 The different organisms that are used in soil cultivation move through the soil. They eat the soil as well as grow in the soil, making it fertile and ideal for the cultivation of crops. The movements of the various organisms that are used in the soil make the soil fertile through natural processes. These organisms eat the soil, excreting nutrients back into it. They help convert the natural minerals into a form that makes the soil more productive.


Significance of Soil Amendments

organic soil amendments

The various organisms that are used to augment the fertility of soil can also help prevent soil pollution by decomposing organic compounds, insecticides, and pesticides, and thus help deter them from entering into the water supply.

Ultimately, soil supplies make the soil productive by enhancing crop growth. It’s important to use the right soil food to enrich its fecundity, enabling professional and amateur gardeners to dramatically improve the quality and quantity of their harvest. Soil amendments are especially indispensable for a farmer or gardener who is associated with an organic garden, as they improve the innate biology of the soil . Healthy soil biology is also crucial for the natural landscape of a place. If the natural landscape is kept healthy, it helps to benefit the surrounding environment.

Want to find out more about how to amend your soil? Try The Spruce’s latest guide to making good soil out of bad.


soil amendments for organic gardening

Anna Wrench is a blogger and avid traveler who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She blogs in various fields, including home improvement, automotive, business, health, lifestyle, entertainment, and pets and has written for various publications including Divorce Magazine,, and Global Garden Friends, Inc. You can find her personal blogs at and


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