5 Planting Trends to Adopt in 2020

Guest post by Wendy Dessler

(images from Pexels)

As a hobby, gardening has a lot going for it. It's affordable, it's physically active, the whole family can get involved, and it adds value to the environment and your property. What was once viewed as an activity for the older generations in rural areas is seeing a resurgence thanks to the innovative and environmentally-conscious Millennial generation.

2020 brings with it a lot of new and exciting trends in planting. Here are some you'll want to adopt when tending to your plants this year.  

5 Planting trends to adopt in 2020

Eco-Friendly Gardening Practices

What should be one of the most environmentally friendly activities can sometimes cause more harm than good. The use of pesticides and excessive watering all tax the environment, fueling the adage about good intentions paving the road to Hell.

One of the overarching planting trends of 2020 is using more eco-friendly gardening methods. Eco-friendly gardening includes things like eliminating pesticides and herbicides and planting native plants to reduce the need for outside assistance. People are moving toward more traditional planting practices, such as marrying companion plants and putting rainwater harvesting systems in place.

Another eco-friendly 2020 planting trend is optimizing the layout of your garden to lessen consumption inside of it. With well-placed tree tunnels and shrubs, savvy gardeners are creating wind tunnels and barriers that direct heat and prevent erosion.


Homegrown Delights

More aspiring gardeners are choosing to grow things from scratch, both for decorative gardens and in regard to food.

Rather than buying seedlings, consumers are planting from seeds and starting their plants early. Seed collections like this one by My Seed Needs make the process of choosing complementary crops and flowers easier. Additionally, more gardeners are trying to plant vegetables so that they know where their food came from, rather than heading to the store.

5 Planting trends to adopt in 2020

Foreign Plants for Indoor Gardens

As a whole, the prevalence of indoor gardening has grown in recent years. It's not uncommon to find plant lovers in urban settings with micro gardens on their patio or a verifiable jungle in the hallway.  

With this trend comes the influx of more foreign and exotic plants. While someone in a colder zone might not be able to grow a lemon tree in their yard, they're using the warmth from their windows and indoor heat to grow one inside. This planting trend allows green thumbs to enjoy the exotic plants they love without worrying about hardiness or the impact on the local environment.

Gardens as Ground Cover

Functionality is an overarching planting theme in 2020. In addition to planting their own food, gardeners are using different plants as ground cover. Whereas gardening is an enjoyable hobby, lawn mowing is not. 

Gardeners are using plants like clover, flowering phlox, and even herbs like mint and thyme to replace the grass. These plants work well on difficult-to-maintain slopes or wet areas. Less mowing also contributes to the overall eco-friendly gardening trend. 

Low-Maintenance and Wild Plant Arrangements

People are adopting the "work smarter, not harder" mantra in 2020 by planting low-maintenance plants and embracing the wild, untouched garden look. There are numerous benefits to this planting trend. Again, it feeds into the eco-friendly trend that entails less watering and potentially damaging sprays and treatments. Additionally, wildflowers often naturally attract butterflies and bumblebees, which play an integral role in the environment.


The low-maintenance planting trend also stems from more people who refer to themselves as "black thumbs" trying to get involved in gardening. These are the people who love greenery but often forget to water their ferns or pull weeds from the flower beds. The low-maintenance trend gives them the leeway they need to pursue their passion at their skill level.

5 Planting Trends to Adopt in 2020

While you may not be able to plant anything until after the last frost, it's just about time to start planning your garden for the year if you live in a part of the world that is looking at spring on the horizon. Get ahead of these 2020 planting trends and grow your garden with care.


Wendy Dessler is a super-connector who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses her efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.


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5 Planting trends to adopt