Fried zucchini squash blossoms

Fried zucchini squash blossoms

This summer’s zucchini harvest started out so promisingly.

The leaves of my 3 zucchini plants grew to monstrous sizes. The largest plant produced what was probably the most perfectly shaped and tastiest zucchini I had ever grown. I quickly overcome a squash vine borer problem by carefully monitoring the plants every day and, in an emergency operation, cutting out the 2 small borers I found inside one of the plant’s stems and then injecting the stem with Bacillus Thuringiensis (bt, used in organic farming) to kill any others I might have missed. When powdery mildew struck, I applied neem oil diligently every week. I created better air flow and eliminated the possibility of rot undermining my plants by staking them to keep them off the ground, trimming all of the leaves that were growing underneath the budding squash. And yet…

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Organic vs. Non-GMO Labels

Organic vs. Non-GMO Labels

Guest post by PacMoore

There was a time fairly recently where you were lucky if food labels listed the ingredients. In keeping with the Information Age, however, today there’s a surplus of information on labels in every aisle of the grocery store. Food labels tell you what’s in your food, how many calories it contains, how large a portion is, and so on and so forth. And, as the food industry and consumers continue to become more demanding, the amount of information those labels contain is increasing.

For example, more people today are apprehensive about eating non-organic foods or foods prepared with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), so organizations such as the USDA and the Non-GMO Project are labeling foods to help consumers make better-informed decisions. For many people, especially people trying to uphold a vegan diet, food labeling has become an important component of their lifestyles.

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