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How To Organize Your Potting Shed

Guest post by Amie Hamilton


Houses with large lawns or spacious backyards are the favorite playgrounds of home gardeners. Whether they’re new to the hobby or have been a longtime gardener, having such a space is perfect for experimenting with different gardening techniques or planting approaches. These spaces can also be a good area to mount a potting shed.

Simply put, a potting shed is a small shed housed within a lawn or backyard. It’s ideal for those growing a smaller type of food garden like an herb garden, which is growing in popularity these days, especially with urban gardeners. But aside from housing small potted plants, the potting shed is also used as a storage shed. Over time, the shed may become unruly and disorganized when not properly supervised.

It’s indeed a beneficial hobby to take care of plants and such, though the upkeep is another issue altogether. If you’re a home gardener burdened with the thought of organizing the potting shed, here are a few tips to help you get the job done as efficiently as possible.

1.     Buy Bins with Lids

Bins are great to have in your potting shed, since gardening entails using various resources.  Soil, fertilizer, and nutrients come in big bags that are often heavy, bulky, and hard to handle. They can also be a tripping hazard when left on the ground. Thus, it’s a good idea to get a skip hire for your own convenience .

Once inside, the lids can be closed tight, and unnecessary bags could be thrown away. Make sure to label each bin to know what’s in it. Also, make sure the lids are sealed, so no moisture enters your nutrients. The bins will help save space and can make storing contents easier.

2.     Have A Designated Area For Tools

Gardening tools can cause an accident if left just lying around. These tools are also dangerous because many of them have sharp points that can easily injure someone. One of the best ways to avoid mishaps is to have a designated area in the shed for all tools.

One way to organize these tools is to install hooks onto a designated wall to hang them. Another method is to buy a magnetic strip you can use to affix all of your metal tools; they are sure to stay in their place without any inconvenience. This organizing style will also help you know where everything is located at all times.

3.     Install Shelves

In a potting shed, you don’t want to leave everything on the floor because your shed will look cluttered and disorganized. Installing shelves will help you rid of this problem. Shelves can be used to store materials, smaller tools, or other gardening equipment that can’t be hung.

Since it’s a potting shed, one specific use for these shelves is to have a designated area to arrange your pots neatly. Storage space in a shed is vital, and you can never have too many shelves inside.

4.     Add A Work Table

Home gardening helps a person create an environment-friendly hobby, and having a potting shed could yield many benefits in this endeavor. But what adds comfort to organizing it is having a work table.

You can think of the table as a workbench wherein you could place the materials you’re currently working on for your garden. It’s good to have a specific area for these activities so that you won’t scatter the materials and small tools all around. It doesn’t have to be a brand new one. You can always upcycle an unused table around the house. After working, you can leave your current project neatly on one side of the table.

5.     Have Handy Containers

Scouting for different types of sheds from reputable sellers like South West Greenhouses should also entail surveying their supplies for handy containers that you could use inside your shed.

If your shed has a roof that’s also good to hang light baskets, consider getting some to store light materials overhead. If you have many pots, consider crate-types of containers to stack them in a corner. Sacks could also be handy containers for lightweight materials, and they can be hung on outside walls.

Tidiness Brings Comfort

A potting shed is a necessity when you have a passion for gardening. However, gardening has so many components to it that if you don’t properly organize or set up your shed, you can have a cluttered mess in no time.

Aside from knowing where to find specific things when you need them, havinga nicely arranged potting shed will help keep your garden area comfy. Stowing away sharp objects would also leave no room for any untoward accident in your garden. This is why you should follow the above tips to have a more organized shed.

Amie Hamilton is a blogger who draws inspiration from her experience as a homeowner. Amie’s blog provides tips and tricks on home improvement – from teaching readers on how they can spice up the rooms in their home with a tight budget to how they can maintain the condition of their properties even with busy schedules. Amie also submits articles to other online platforms as an attempt to help more people through her content.

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