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Bonsai for Beginners: Where to Start?

Guest post by Kaizen Bonsai

When it comes to growing your own Bonsai tree, there is a common misconception that they are extremely difficult to care for. However, this is not the case and beginners are perfectly capable of growing their own Bonsai tree indoors and caring for it. In this article, we will talk you through the three main techniques of growing a Bonsai tree; cultivation, styling and care.

Benefits of Growing a Bonsai Tree

Bonsai trees are a great indoor plant for many reasons, they also make a great, thoughtful gift. The benefits of growing your own Bonsai tree include the following:

  • They help purify the air

  • They can help reduce fatigue and tiredness

  • They can relieve sore throats and coughs

  • They can boost immunity

  • They can stimulate creativity and learning

What Is the Best Bonsai Tree for a Beginner?

There are several different Bonsai trees to choose from that you can grow indoors. If you’re a beginner and are looking for the easiest one to grow and care for, then the Ficus Bonsai is a sensible option. The Ficus Bonsai is tolerant to low humidity and tends to withstand a lot of stressors, making it perfect for anyone that hasn’t grown or cared for a Bonsai tree before.

Growing Bonsai from Seeds

If you want to grow your Bonsai tree from scratch, you can do so by purchasing and growing Bonsai seeds rather than buying and replanting a tree.


First, you need to apply a layer of a coarse, water draining substrate such as grit or lava rock into your plant pot.


Once you have added the first layer, you then need to add a layer of standard Bonsai soil. This will help provide the perfect base for growing your bonsai seeds effectively.


Once you have chosen and purchased your desired choice of Bonsai seeds, then you should check if they need stratification or scarification. This will depend on the specific type of tree species you wish to grow.


Once you have fully prepared your pot and have your seeds, you need to place the seeds on the soil, leaving a small amount of room between the seeds.


After adding your seeds and leaving an appropriate amount of room, you now need to add a top layer of standard Bonsai soil. Approximately an inch (2 cm) should be enough.


After the soil has been added, use your fingers to gently compact it slightly.


You are now ready to water your Bonsai seeds! Ensure that you water them thoroughly, keeping the seed bed slightly moist from now on.

Caring for Your Bonsai Tree

When it comes to caring for your Bonsai tree, it is important that you regularly water it and take the necessary steps to allow it to grow.

How Often Should I Water My Bonsai Tree?

Typically, Bonsai tree soil is fast-draining and therefore does not retain a great amount of water. As a result, you will need to regularly water your tree throughout the day. Smaller pots tend to hold a lot less soil than larger pots, and these will require watering 2-3 times per day. Bear in mind that if your tree is fruiting and flowering, it will require extra watering to support the flowers and fruits.

Where Is the Best Place for My Bonsai Tree?

Keeping your Bonsai tree in an appropriate location is vital. The location of your tree will impact how often it will need watering. If your tree gets a lot of sun exposure and heat, then it will need watering multiple times throughout the day. If it is in a cooler, shaded area then it will not dry out as much and will probably survive being watered only once a day, every two or so days.

Kaizen Bonsai are Bonsai tree experts offering a wide selection of growing tool kits and products to help people successfully grow Bonsai trees with ease.